Reo, a beautiful pinto stallion, definitely had a body structure that was amazingly built. His mindset, however, is not as his physical appearance made him seem. As the thought of trying to defeat the evil donkeys pondered across his mind, he became even more frightened and does not want to go. A couple days before his journey, Reo realized that his family and fellow horses’ needed him! Finally, the day had arrived.
It was bright and early when Reo began his journey. Everyone was there to cheer him on as he trotted through the pasture. After awhile the cheers began to fade and he could no longer see the scared look on his mom’s face. Imagining the look on his mom’s face, Reo started to feel good about his decision to be brave and not chicken out. He knew that in the end his mom, friends, and the village could ultimately die of starvation and …show more content…
become extremely ill if they had nothing to eat.
Reo was familiar with the pastures owned by the horses.
They were very well taken care of and it was always a pleasant place to be. On the other hand, when Reo crossed over to the second pasture (owned by the donkeys) it was very poorly managed and there was almost no grass. Just as Reo crossed over to the place where he would fight for his friends and family, he noticed all of the bear traps that were randomly placed as far as the eye can see. For the next five miles, Reo cautiously dodged all of the traps set here and there. Finally, after five miles, he had reached the cave where the donkeys lived. He sees piles of hay that were stolen from the
Reo swiftly moved passed the entire group of donkey guards except for one! Reo quickly rears up and hits the guard in the face immediately knocking him out. Reo drug the guard’s body into a corner and got extremely nervous because he did not want to hurt anyone. As many thoughts race around Reo’s mind, he remembered the wise words his mother had told him that was famous across his kind, “Don’t look back leave it all on the track.”
He listened to the words that repeated in his head and charged at the donkey king named Zazu and pounced on him, shoving him straight into the ground. As Zazu got the chance to get up, they both reared up into the air and continued fighting.
Finally, after a couple minutes of fighting Reo had learned to use the strength of his body to help him! As they both rose up for the last time, Reo had struck Zazu across the muzzle so hard that the shape of a hoof was embroidered on the left side of his face and was spilling out blood.
Reo had won the fight, he now got to take home all of the hay! On the way back home with the hay, he had made all of the donkeys’ act as servants and each donkey had to carry one bail of hay back to where they had taken it from and tell in front of the whole horse village they were sorry.
After the donkeys did what Reo asked, they left and Reo’s life was completely different. Everyone treated him as a hero in spite of Reo wanting to be treated the same as everyone else. After a couple months of getting used to being in the spotlight, he learned how to control his temper when asked question after question.
At the end of it all, Reo learned to love his life and realized that he could get past any obstacle in his path.