As the years progressed the repeated reading of texts not only became an intervention
As the years progressed the repeated reading of texts not only became an intervention
In the interlude and the eleventh chapter of Thomas C. Foster’s How to Read Literature Like a Professor, Foster analyzes the different effects violence has in literature. Firstly, Foster distinguishes that there are two different types of violence in literature. The first form of violence is when a specific injury is brought upon a character by themselves or another character through “shootings, stabbings, garrotings, drownings, poisonings, bludgeonings, bombings” and other harmful means (96). Contrasting with this, the second kind of violence is general harm brought forth by the all-powerful author. The author does this in order to advance the plot or thematically develop the story. The greatest distinction between the two violences is, “no…
In Thomas C. Foster’s How to Read Literature Like a Professor, Chapter 12 is dedicated to symbols, and how they are not concrete. Symbolism is all about interpretation, which makes them difficult to understand. Foster says the most difficult thing about symbolism is that everyone wants to have one concrete answer. He argues that symbolism has multiple gray areas, and a majority of people confuses symbolism with allegories. Allegories are things that stand for one certain thing.…
Morris, D. (2014). Diagnosis and correction of reading problems (2nd ed.) p. 101-102. New York, NY: Guilford Press.…
Quest consists of a knight, a dangerous road, a Holy Grail, a dragon, one evil knight, and one princess…
In this attempt to understand what it means to be made in the image of God the researcher plans to adopt Richard Hays method of reading backwards. He puts this method forward in his book Reading Backwards: Figural Christology and the Fourfold Gospel Witness. In this work Hays presents the idea that “the Gospels teach us how to read the OT, and—at the same time—the OT teaches us how to read the Gospels. Or, to put it a little differently, we learn to read the OT by reading backwards from the Gospels, and—at the same time—we learn how to read the Gospels by reading forwards from the OT.” Reading backwards in the process of reading the OT in light of the story of Jesus.…
To start the literacy learner study, the student completed an oral reading fluency assessment. This was completed using DIBELS Next (Dynamic Measurement Group, 2013). This student read 22 words per minute with 73% accuracy. According to the DIBELS report, this student requires intensive instruction and scored in red on the assessment. Because the student scored in red, he had to complete an Informal Phonics Inventory (McKenna & Stahl, 2008, p. 125-131). This assessment’s data reveals the areas of strengths and weaknesses of the student’s phonics skills. Using the results from these assessments helped to determine the literacy learner’s independent, instructional, and frustration reading levels (Morris, 2014a). Knowing and understanding these levels helps to guide instructional design and implementation of effective and appropriate activities.…
Educating and guiding students to read and become fluent readers is a life changing experience for the students. Increasing literacy skills in students prepares them for academic and professional careers. Educators must reflect on their own teaching practices and implementation of intervention strategies to meet the needs of all children while taking into account of their individual reading readiness: emergent, beginner, and transitional. As educators are implementing strategies and teaching practices, they are creating a literate environment that is conducive to all readers.…
Fluency is” a measure of the reader’s competence at decoding and recognizing sight words with automaticity at a specified reading level” (Pennington, 2013). It is believed that the higher the level of fluency, the higher the level of comprehension. Fluency involves three major areas: intonation, pacing, and phrasing. Intonation is the pattern of pitch change when reading a passage. It allows the audience to tell when there’s excitement or even a question. Pacing is the speed in which the student reads a given passage, and phrasing allows the student to use “meaning and structure sources of information” to help them solve problems as they are reading (Reading Recovery, n.d.). For the purpose of this task, I will describe a three-day literacy unit including the strategies, activities, and the reason for both.…
Hixson, M. D. & McGlinchey, M. T. (2004). The Relationship Between Race, Income, and Oral Reading Fluency and Performance on Two Reading Comprehension Measures. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, (22), 351-364.…
During adolescence, I began reading and writing through a fundamental learning program called, "Hooked on Phonics." This program consisted of long hours spent reading short novels and writing elementary phrases which were commonly taught in the second and third grade. With the motto, "Improve your child's reading and writing skills in just four weeks!" I was bound to become the next Mark Twain. The method of this course specialized in the improvements of word acquisition rates as well as reading speed; however, it lacked in the area of teaching comprehension. At a young age, I was instilled with the dire need to be highly educated and although I was unable to experience a fun and adventurous childhood like many other children, I am grateful for being raised with a greater knowledge and wisdom than that ingrained in many.…
References: Morris, D. (2008). Diagnosis and correction of reading problems. New York, NY: Guilord Press.…
Reading has always been a challenge for me since the second grade. It’s always been difficult to pronounce certain words also get the complete understanding of a story or concept after I read the text. I wanted to explore this past learning to re-evaluate the certain strategies that help me overcome this obstacle when I was struggling with reading in the…
There are some things that happen in today’s education that do not help struggling readers as much as we think they do. Schools spend a lot of time and money on different things that just are not really helping the students as much as they should. For…
Stated by Ruskey (2011), Samuels work from the 1970’s continues to have influence in the field of reading strategies that focus on practice and repetition (p.19). Samuel (1979) found four supporting findings for his work in repeated reading, first, the original findings had been replicated to a high degree of accuracy and speed develops in the practiced text; next, there is a transfer of fluency to other portions of the text, even the parts that were not specifically practiced; then, repeated reading is the most universally used remedial reading technique to help poor readers improve reading skill; Finally, repeated reading is now widely used widely to teach reading in foreign languages (p.381). An important finding in Samuel’s work demonstrated that as the student continued to use this method, the data revealed that the student speed with each new passage increased from the previous one (Ruskey, 2011, p.19). The author hypothesizes that 4th grade ELL students will improve their reading fluency score due to repeated reading in small group…
The attention given to reading fluency has fluctuated throughout the years in education. It is currently gaining recognition and once again becoming an advertised component in most reading programs. According to Avanchan (2010), fluency is a critical element of reading and should be taught in every school. This Literature Review will focus on the following research questions:…