Repetitive stops are necessary for many reason, it helps to disrupt the flow of drugs in transit to the suppliers. The highway patrol must cover a vast area in the war against drugs, therefore with repetitive traffic stops, as mentioned before will disrupt the flow and will get many more officers involved in the process of suppressing drug activity, therefore if the drug are stopped and impounded no drug can be sold on the streets(Murgado, 2012).
What would be the reasoning behind the stops? Explain.
In accordance to O.R.C 2925.03 trafficking, aggravated trafficking in drugs, to paraphrase…Peddle or deal to sell an illegal drug or an illegal drug analog, or to organize for …show more content…
As either the Major and or Sheriff I would make them aware, that not without following the set policy and procedures will not only put themselves in harm way but all the recruits they have trained. Because George has been a familiar traveler and who to say if the FTO hasn’t gotten know him, and because of this assumption he made a lapse in judgement. He would be given a verbal reprimand and put on notice, that if this behavior continues he would be subject to a written reprimand and or demotion from his …show more content…
Alamo his response was, “As the FTO you are to follow the policy which mirrors the law. Should he have told the recruit to skip George, ethically the FTO was wrong, regardless of the FTO experience. His function is to teach the recruit the correct procedure when working as a law enforcement officer” (D JWilliams, personal communication January 13, 2016). Therefore, I feel that he is not a good example of a leader, simply based upon this occurrence, and it leaves open question to how many other recruits he has said this to, which comes into question his