Marc Prensk’s argument is that all textbooks should be banned and we should be using electronic textbooks. This way students and teachers will be able to access them from their iPad, iPhone, Tablet, or Nook. Prensky thinks that this would give the opportunity for more resources, and motivate the student to always read and refer to the textbook instead of just sticking it on the shelf where it would never be touched. “But I suggest that it 's time to go much further: to actually ban non-electronic books on campus.” (Prensky 1) He believed in freedom away from the page, and thinks that a collection of books and ideas in your pocket would be accessed more than books on a shelf. “Digital texts are also accessible anywhere, at any time, while…
Keaun Williams states that textbooks are less costly to our educational system. Keaun Williams does not present much evidence to support that claim. Dr. Akua Adu can say that e-textbooks are the best way to teach and it is the best way for students to obtain the most recent updated information there is out there to our students. Dr. Akus Adu provided us with a couple of studies we can look up for information to support the claim that e-textbooks is the best way to spend the monies allocated by…
Proponents of tablets say that they are supported by most teachers and students, are much lighter than print textbooks, and improve standardized test scores. They say that tablets can hold hundreds of textbooks, save the environment by lowering the amount of printing, increase student interactivity and creativity, and that digital textbooks are cheaper than print textbooks.…
Some people think that it is a bad idea to replace tablets with textbooks and some other people think it is a good idea. There can be many opinions over this topic, so let’s explain why we shouldn’t have them replace our textbooks.The first reason that we shouldn’t have them is because if you lose them it’s it will have a critical impact on school. One of the reasons it could have an impact is because we could lose everything you had on it. Not only that but they also cost a lot of money. If we keep the normal textbooks it will save money over time because they last longer than normal devices, and not only that they are a lot cheaper. The textbook might break but they are not that expensive to replace.Another factor with the tablet is that…
A 4GB tablet filled with 3,500 e-books weighs a billionth of a billionth of a gram more than if it were empty of data - a difference that is approximately the same weight as a molecule of DNA. The same number of physical books would weigh about two tons.…
A survey found that using iPads in schools can allow students learning in a better way. Larry Cuban, a professor of Stanford University quoted, “Kids will learn better and faster using Apple iPad in schools” [4]. Thus usage of iPad has increased insignificantly almost in all places such as Schools, Universities, Hospitals,…
As an educator I will encourage the students to do their best in the classroom leading to academic growth. Utilizing new technology to enhance what is taught from the textbook will help the children reach academic plateaus and beyond.…
Technological advancements move at lightning speed, with the average device losing its edge over a new and better device after about two years. Businesses and private companies are keeping up, but classrooms are notoriously lagging behind. How many schools still use traditional textbooks? In a world with an explosive e-book market, and offices and hospitals that have gone paperless, why are schools still investing in expensive and resource-heavy curriculum materials?…
In 2005 an Arizona high school passed out iBooks to all of its students instead of the traditional textbook (Source A). School officials were under the impression that having this technology would further engage their students in learning, though what they failed to address is other things it might engage their students in. Teenagers of this age already have short attention spans, and when using the internet, the moment a student gets bored they can click out and focus on something that suits them more than hundred year old articles about the Declaration of Independence, and instead spend hours scrolling though Tumblr or watching pointless music videos- or porn (Source E). Until schools figure out a way to quality control the internet, passing out laptops and iPads will not necessarily engage their students in learning.…
Going to college can be a very challenging time for anybody. There are the freshmen that have just graduated high school who are trying to get school finished and out of the way. Then, there are the people that have waited until they had a family before going to college. It can be a real struggle for both to purchase the textbooks needed for their college classes. E-books could be the change needed to help college students from spending hundreds of dollars per semester on books. E-books will change the landscape of college learning because it will save students money, they are easily accessible, and technology is the way of the future.…
Across the United States, teachers are using iPad and other tablets to reinvent the presentation and management of educational material. According to a report in Wired magazine, “tablets’ simplicity, ease of use and the massive……
There are many more benefits to replacing textbooks with computers then drawbacks, such as financial, health and even environmental.…
Chromebook will be better for the classroom chrome books let’s see what makes then so great shall we? Well they cost less than iPad and tablets and are more convenient. With chrome books it would be more convenient and less expensive for schools.…
Tale: This could also save money for the schools because they will not have to pay for text books, learning tools and etc.…
This generation has known of iPads, iPhones, and all of the apps that come along with it. I will use technology as an advantage in my classroom to teach my students because they can download the same apps at home to get more practice. As teachers I think it is important to use resources that are relevant to the students. I will not have a classroom that is solely based around computers and tablets because I believe that books provide important information as well. Students can not be in front of a screen 24/7 so I will encourage and enforce time in the day when there will be very little or no…