School of Management, BTH
Outward FDI and Trade Performance: An Indication from Sweden Perspective
Master Thesis in Business Administration
Spring Term April 13th 2007
Supervisor: Anders Hederstierna Proponent: Mohammad T. Hasan School of Management, BTH
Outward FDI and Trade Performance: An Indication from Sweden Perspective
In the global world FDI is the most prominent economic development factor for the growth of home and host countries GDP. FDI and Trade performances are positively engage in the complementarity or substitutability relationship depending on the country factors advantages and microeconomic and macroeconomic scale of economies in firm and industrial level. The main objective of this paper is to expose how outward FDI influence home country’s export performance. Previously there have been conducted a lot of empirical studies on country’s trade (export) performance and FDI flows. This project carries out to analyses aggregate regional level data and be tested by OLS and two stage-least-square (2SLS) time series regression analyses. The empirical analysis founds, outward FDI and exports are statistically positively significant in firm and industry level.
Keywords: FDI, export, aggregate regional level.
Outward FDI and Trade Performance: An Indication from Sweden Perspective
I would like to offer my deep appreciation to my supervisor Anders Hederstierna to patiently review my thesis and other faculty members who have helped me to shape this paper and contributes economic ideas in different angel.
I specially am thanking to BTH library for being extremely kind and patient in supplying me with materials and extensive cooperation that were critical for conducting my investigations, and I also thank to UNCTAD, Riksbanken, Statistics Sweden, International Monetary Fund online resources and other sources who have helped me to find and process all this
References: Krugman, Paul & Venables, Anthony J., 1990. Integration and Competitiveness of Peripheral Industry. 363, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers. the Krugman, Paul, 1991