Rakesh Gorai
Mayur Vihar, Phase 2
New Delhi -110091
Mobile No: +91 8287137587
Email-id: rakesh.gorai2011@gmail.com
To commit myself with a growth-oriented enterprise and strive to achieve the goals of the organization, contemplating sustained individual growth through my skills, hard work, experience and self-improvement, in a demanding and challenging work/working conditions.
1 Year experience as a .NET programmer, applied my Technical skills in Project Development, Software Development, Web Development, and Database Design. I am bringing your attention to my skills, achievements and keen ability to my creative thought’s and my dedication towards work, I have great grasping power, so you can use my potential in Software Company so that we can discuss my joining in Software Company as a member of your Web design and Software development team.
Major accomplishments include:
• Develop Website for Friend Mesh(Social Networking Site) in .NET • Develop Website for Olympiad in .NET • Develop Website for Loaning System in .NET
Technical Skills
|Programming Languages |.NET(Asp, C#, ADO) |
|Operating Systems |Windows 2000/XP/2007 |
|Databases |SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008,Oracle 10G |
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