Jazz Guitar and all about it
Jazz guitar term can mean two things: either it’s a type of guitar or a style of playing the guitar. Jazz guitar made an appearance in Jazz in around 1930’s. Due to its predecessor a.k.a. acoustic guitar being too quiet, musicians had it hooked up to amplifiers and that’s how the electric guitar was born. Ever since, electric guitar has been the standard of guitars in Jazz and it eventually went on revolutionizing the music industry and making it the corner stone of all rock music.
Type of guitar
Traditionally, Jazz guitarists use a hollow-box body type of guitars with magnetic pick-ups, but a solid body also was introduced in around 1950’s. Hollow-box body had more of an acoustic guitar sound which is simply amplified through pickups. The solid body guitars have a slightly different tone. That’s the kind of guitars that all rock bands use nowadays.
Playing styles
Jazz guitar styles like “comping” refer to playing chords underneath a song’s melody or another musician’s solo improvisations. The guitar in jazz is more of an accompanist type of instrument, but doesn’t completely serve as just a background instrument. Guitarists can also perform solos as guitar offers versatility of sound and a variety of types in playing styles. When jazz guitar players improvise, they may use the scales, modes, and arpeggios associated with the chords in a t tune’s chord progression; thus, making it an excellent soloist.
In earlier years of jazz guitar it was primarily used in sub-genres like Dixieland and Bebop. It can be traced to a jazz guitarist such as Eddie Lang. In a song call Perfect where he used acoustic guitar as lead while piano played main melody. The use of guitar in jazz can be justified by their ability to cut through the sound of piano, bass and drums rhythm sections, same as banjo which, by the 1930’s began being replaced by guitar as the primary chordal rhythm instrument in jazz music, because it could be used
References: 1. Five Pioneers Of Electric Jazz Guitar, http://www.npr.org/2010/08/16/129158670/five-pioneers-of-electric-jazz-guitar 2. Jazz guitar, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jazz_guitar 3. The Story Of Jazz Guitar, http://www.allaboutjazz.com/the-story-of-jazz-guitar-various-artists-by-aaj-staff.php