PEST and SWOT analysis of adiddas
Submitted by:
Zaheer Abbas
Reg # 2010-KIU-075
Subject Seminars in business Group BBa-It (8th semester) Email Contact +92 355 5555811
1. Introduction
2. Addias
2.1 Mission and vision of Adidas
2.1.1 The Mission statement
2.1.2 The Vision Statement
2.2 The Functional over view of the company:
2.3 The Strategy of Adidias Group
3. The SWOT Analysis
3.1 Strengths
3.2 Weaknesses
3.3 Opportunities
3.4 Threat
4. The PEST analysis
4.1 Political
4.2 Economical
4.3 Social
4.4 Technological
5. Conclusion
6. References
1. Introduction:
In this report I have tried to sketch a complete organizational picture of the adidas company. This include of current position of the company and its market share though out the world. To explain it the company’s SOWT and PEST analysis is briefly elaborated. A contrast of the Adidas with its competitors is added and the internal structure of the company is tried to shown in graphical snaps. The future strategies of the company are also listed that what kind of strategies formulated for adidas by their top managers.
2. Addias:
Adidas is a sportswear manufacturing company that was started by Adolf Dassler. Adidas group has several brands including Adidas, Reebok, Taylor Made-Adidas and the Rockport. The company has spread its wing to incorporate other productions including handbags, shirts, spectacles, watches, balls, and sportswear. It is the largest company that sells footwear in the European market and has gained a significant market share at the global platform. Adidas has had a remarkable sale and has risen to the competition at the global scale with other international footwear companies. McDonald & Milne, (1999) state it in their journal.
2.1 Mission and vision of adidas:
As the company is leading the global
References: McDonald, M. A., & Milne, G. R. (1999). Cases in sport marketing. London: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Lussier, R. N., & Kimball, D. C. (2009). Applied sport management skills. London: Human Kinetics. (Plunkett Research Ltd & Plunkett,2008). Lussier, R. N., & Kimball, D. C. (2009). Applied sport management skills. London: Human Kinetics. The website of adidas,