Fast Tracking Service at Doorsteps:
The indigenous Approach
1) Moderator/Chair: Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam Khan, Secretary, Ministry of ICT & NPD, A2I, PMO 2) Key Note: Maura L. O’Neill, PhD, Chief Innovation Officer, Senior Counselor to the Administrator, US Agency for International Development 3) Key Note: Mr. Anir Chowdhury, Policy Advisor, A2I Programme, PMO 4) Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam, Additional Secretary, Cabinet Division, Dhaka, Bangladesh 5) Mr. Gregory J. Pokorny, Principal Manager , Global Planning & Consulting Department , National Information Society Agency (NIA) 6) Mr. Forhad Zahid Sheikh , System Analyst, A2I Programme, PMO
Guest of Honor: Mr. Shaikh Md. Wahid-uz-Zaman, Principal Secretary, Prime Minister’s Office
No of Participants: 800+
The first keynote speaker Maura O’Neill started her speech by thanking Honorable Prime minister, Sheikh Hasina to initiate the plan of creating the digital Bangladesh. As she is appointed at USAID by President Obama who is very much concerned about development in countries like Bangladesh. Digital Bangladesh is already in existence but in a primary level. Maura showed a video where a young pregnant woman receives information about how to take care of herself and the child through mobile help center in a remote area where normal heath facilities are unavailable. This has become role model to many other developing countries, now many of them have started to build data centers. Digital Bangladesh is a great start but it needs more investments. She showed some examples of other developing countries who has advanced greatly in case of using technical advancements in networking and help centers. Malaysia has 10,000 schools has been connected by the Ministry of Education via networking system. The country also has two third of the population have internet access where in Bangladesh the number is around 5%.In Estonia 90% of the people have