The skincare market in India has been growing at 16% annually and is currently valued at Rs 2,100 crore. Within this sector, the anti-ageing market in India is estimated at Rs 200 crore. With growing awareness and lifestyle changes, this figure could grow exponentially in the future.
With respect to anti – ageing skin products, when we consider the present awareness levels of women it has increased tremendously. Women today are well informed about the anti-ageing products and their benefits. This is because companies advertise these products on TV, magazines and even promote them at cosmetic counters in malls. They offer pamphlets and other literature on these products at the point of purchase. Sometimes these products are endorsed by celebrities.
In spite of these increasing awareness levels, the number of women in India using these products is not as high. The reasons for this are many. This project aims to provide an insight into the perception of women towards anti-ageing skin products.
This project covers the process of ageing, the reasons for it and its effect on skin particularly the face. It also throws light on the skin products – both local and foreign brands that women in India have access to. To understand the perception of women better, a survey has been conducted across women of various ages. The salient points this survey attempts to understand:
* the usage pattern of women based on their age and occupation * the kind of products women prefer * the perceived difference these products make * expenditure incurred on these products * factors considered when purchasing these products * factors responsible for youthful skin
The survey questionnaire has been broken down and an in-depth analysis has been provided for each question. Graphs and tables have been included to facilitate easy understanding.
1.How many people
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