Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 3 2.0 General background of Milimani law Courts 3 3.0 Area of interest 4 4.0 Statement of the problem 5 5.0 Outcome in 50 Days 5 6.0 Rationality of the RRI 10 7.0 Challenges to Implementation of the RRI 10 8.0 Recommendations 11 9.0 Conclusion 12
1.0 Introduction
On September 16, 2011 the Chief Justice of Kenya Hon. Charles Mutunga was overwhelmed by the number of cases that were piling at the Milimani Law Courts, located in Nairobi for the past one year and the number of judges available to deal with the cases filed in the division. It came to his notice that every month cases that were determined and dismissed were few owing to the limited number of judges to decide the cases and therefore they continued to pile at an increasing alarm. He therefore summoned the judges assigned at the law courts to find the best solution to reduce the backlog of cases at the law courts. In solidarity, the judges agreed to meet and discuss the best strategy to reduce the backlog of cases and afterwards provide the chief justice with the feedback in 100 days concerning their progress. The judges agreed to use the rapid results initiative through commercial and admiralty division to reduce the backlog from 7500 to 3500 cases in 100 days.
2.0 General background of Milimani law Courts
The committee as chaired by the Hon. Justice R. Kwach, (retired) on administration of justice appointed by the Chief justice in January 1998 recommended among other things that the high court in Nairobi be split into four (4) divisions namely, Family division, Criminal division, civil division and commercial division each with its own registry. Indeed, in February 1998 the commercial division of the high court was established and based at Milimani Commercial courts Nairobi specifically to