Title page: Research about why farmers are not getting fair price when the commodities price increasing.
Letter of transmittal:
This letter contains our research experience about this topic and also contain our initial information about research. This letter also contain how to implementation of finding.
Letter of authorization:
This letter is written by authority who will be assigned to complete the research. This letter also contain scopes and terms of the contract to do the research work.
Table of contents: In this section we includes list of tables, list of graphs, list of appendices and list of exhibits we use in report preparation.
Executive summary: This section we concisely describe our research problem, approach and research design we adopted.
Problem definition: Although commodity price are increasing but farmers are not getting the fair price.
Approach to the problem: In this section includes theory, research questions, analytical models, hypothesis of the research topic.
Research design: This section should include nature of research design we adopted, information collected, data collection form, scaling techniques, questionnaires, sampling techniques and field work.
Data analysis: This section should describe the plan of data analysis and justify the data analysis strategy we used in our research study. We use multivariate data analysis techniques.
Results: This section we include the research results and research binding of study.
Limitation and caveats: This section we describe the time needed to collate our research, budget and organizational constraints we faced when the