These are all meanings of the word image.
An image is used by composers, in movies, articles and stories to help shape and alter our personal opinions of the world. This means that the way we see things can be altered because of the way something is portrayed in an image that is created for our viewing.
“The Truman Show” created by Peter Weir creates two worlds within this film; meaning more than one image is portrayed. One image is the world of Truman Burbank, what he sees and what he experiences, the other, that of the viewers world, the audience watching the program. But, again, there is more than one audience. One audience is that off …show more content…
Is there really a proper way to lose weight?. Does the media put to much pressure on young girls to be thin?.
“Thin is in and fat is ugly”, this is what some of the young girls in America are being forced to believe. This manipulates the readers minds, especially young girls into believing that people of a bigger size are ugly and unattractive. This is also portrayed and backed up by the statement that was also made in the article that, “media portrays overweight people as ugly and unattractive”. These statements can alter the readers minds into thinking that being thin is beautiful and “perfect”, even though there is no such thing as perfection.
With the image of perfection created, people are manipulated into changing their body to achieve the perfect body. The way they think of themselves, and their self esteem is easily lowered. This image is not a positive one, and should not be created in young adolescences minds as they can easily lead into eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa as they are trying to become what many consider the perfect size and