
Repression In A Tale Of Two Cities

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Repression In A Tale Of Two Cities
People in the novels Brave New World, A Tale of Two Cities, and the play A Doll House show similar interests about becoming individuals and wanting freedom from a dominant figure in their lives, and those characteristics seem to be a repeating pattern among all three books. Respectively, each book has a sort of uprise from the oppressed demanding the authoritative husband, nation, and even society to provide that party a better life unlike the one they live presently. From A Tale of Two Cities the Marquis explains, “Repression is the only lasting philosophy, the dark deference of fear and slavery...will keep the dogs obedient to the whip” (Dickens 128) and this is what I challenge. If repression is the only lasting philosophy, then a question …show more content…
This scene encases the hard times in France, however, the next time we see a crowd of people in a public place like this the situation dramatically escalates. While the wine cask crash paints a great image to the mind, the scene where the Marquis is riding his carriage recklessly through the narrow, ten to twelve yard wide streets of France is the first scene where a person actually rebels against a wealthy person in A Tale of Two Cities. After the horses run over a young child, the Marquis deems the situation the boy’s fault for being there and is angry that his carriage may be damaged, not caring that he’s just murdered an innocent child. The Marquis explains that he feels a gold coin will do the father well and goes on his, but the coin lands in the carriage after a man has thrown it back in retaliation. The Marquis stops and calls them a bunch of rabid animals, and the antilocution rhetoric said by the Marquis will manifest into a rebellion he would never think would …show more content…
“They’ll grow up with what the psychologists used to call an “instinctive” hatred of books and flowers. Reflexes unalterably conditioned.”(Huxley 22), the previous line explains the theory of why the director has the children undergo this process, and with the lower classes going through this electroshock treatment it insures that none surpass them. This process facilitates their status as factory workers for their entirety in this world, no one is their own person. But even though it sounds like the Deltas have it bad, they don’t. Gammas and Epsilons are created to be unsatisfactory, usually handicapped “creatures” who will be servants to the prestigious classes of Betas and

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