Requirements Engineering
Requirements Elicitation Techniques
Atique Zafar
Elicitation techniques
Specific techniques which may be used to collect knowledge about system requirements
This knowledge must be structured
Elicitation problems
Partitioning - aggregating related knowledge
Abstraction - recognizing generalities
Projection - organizing according to perspective
Not enough time for elicitation
Inadequate preparation by engineers
Stakeholders are unconvinced of the need for a new system
Software Requirements Engineering
Specific elicitation techniques
Soft systems methods
Observations and social analysis
Requirements reuse
Document Studies
Focus groups
Study similar companies
Software Requirements Engineering
The requirements engineer or analyst discusses the system with different stakeholders and builds up an understanding of their requirements.
Types of interview
Closed interviews. The requirements engineer looks for answers to a pre-defined set of questions
Open interviews There is no predefined agenda and the requirements engineer discusses, in an open -ended way, what stakeholders want from the system.
Software Requirements Engineering
Interviewing essentials
Interviewers must be open-minded and should not approach the interview with pre-conceived notions about what is required
Stakeholders must be given a starting point for discussion. This can be a question, a requirements proposal or an existing system
Interviewers must be aware of organizational politics - many real requirements may not be discussed because of their political implications
Software Requirements Engineering
Do's and Don'ts in an Interview
Do prepare thoroughly for the meeting
Do prepare a checklist for the meeting
Do introduce yourself properly
Do ask about