In the research paper “Requirements Engineering: A Roadmap”, the authors Bashar Nuseibeh and Steve Easterbrook state that the “primary measure of success of a software system is the degree to which it meets the purpose for which it was intended”. Requirements Engineering is also considered a branch of systems engineering because “software cannot function in isolation from the system in which it is embedded and Requirements Engineering must encompass a systems level view” (Nuseibeh and Easterbrook). The role of Requirements Engineering (RE) plays a vital role in the completion of this goal during the software development process. The process of Requirements Engineering consists of five core activities:
Eliciting Requirements
Modeling and Analyzing Requirements
Communicating Requirements
Agreeing Requirements
Evolving Requirements
Each of these steps are further analyzed in the next paragraphs.
According to Nuseibeh and Easterbrook, the elicitation of the requirements software project is typically regarded as the first step in the Requirements Engineering process. During this step, the scope, stakeholders, and goals of the project are defined through information that is acquired by the requirements engineer. During this step, the requirements engineer is more focused on the origination of the problem and the stakeholders’ requirements instead of correcting any issues that have been identified. The requirements engineer can use a variety of elicitation techniques to gather the necessary information. Some of the elicitation techniques
References: J.A. Gougen and C. Linde; “Techniques for Requirements Elicitation” 1993. A. Hickey and A. Davis; “Requirements Elicitation and Elicitation Technique Selection: A Model for Two Knowledge-Intensive Software Development Processes. ” 2002. Requirements Elicitation and Elicitation Technique ... - CiteSeer M. Mannio and U. Nikula; “Requirements Elicitation Using a Combination of Prototypes and Scenarios.” 2001. Requirements Elicitation Using a Combination of Prototypes and ...