Fantasy Games Community Inc.
Purpose statement: With a new software application (Shopping Cart) development underway for the Fantasy Games Community, it is imperative that we conduct this stage of requirement process. Requirements questionnaire implementation is a useful method to investigate Fantasy Games community users’ needs, expectations, perspectives, priorities and preferences. While also taking into consideration relevance of online games collections and services to user needs.
Stakeholder - Mia Kendal, Lead Software Developer
It is important to note that these kinds of requirements always exist, regardless of the approach or method used to manage software development. A software development methodology helps to identify, document, and realize the requirements. Functional requirements are observable tasks or processes that must be performed by the system under development. Non-functional requirements are qualities or standards that the system under development must have or comply with, but which are not tasks that will be automated by the system. A good nonfunctional requirement is one that makes it clear to everyone on the project exactly how the software has to perform. Remember, a good requirement (functional or nonfunctional) is about understanding and addressing the needs of a user.
Non-Functional Requirement Questionnaire
Are the subsystems’ constraints on the system’s availability or uptime? A system’s availability is the amount of time that it is operational and available to use. This is specified because some systems are designed with expected downtime for activities like database upgrades and backups.
How can we expose this new feature to make sure it’s well used? The performance constraints specify the timing characteristics of the shopping cart software. Certain tasks or features might be more time-sensitive than others; the nonfunctional requirements should identify those software functions that have