Red Bull is one of the biggest soft drink successes over the past the years. Red Bull improves emotional status and vigilance, increases performance, reaction speed and concentration. Customers drink Red Bull for such benefits as these. In times of long school hours, stressful work, and very tiring days, customers look to a product that vitalizes body and mind. Red Bull even supplies a sugar free version for the average health-concerned user. The target audience. Red Bull targets an active audience, especially those between the ages of 17 and 23, male and female. Characteristically, 17- to 23-year-olds is either thinking about college, in college, or just recently graduated from college. It is currently in a consumer's life that dramatic schedule changes are happening. Red Bull is a perfect solution for 17- to 23-year-olds who live fast-paced, hectic lifestyles while hardly making it through long days and nights of classes and studying.The Red Bull consumers can be divided into three segments: athletes, clubbers and workers. Each of these using the Red Bull energy drinks to meet their personal needs. Whether these are obtaining physical edges, mental edges or just consumption for pleasure.Red Bull wants to have at least 75-80% of all college students in the country drinking or highly aware of their drink.
Red Bull with sugar:
Demographics: Men and women aged 16-29
Geographics: Mainly people who are situated in the city, as they are likely to be really busy and tired. Red Bull seems to have a cooler in most bars and clubs in the city as well as in convenient stores.
Psychographics: People who are tired / stressed and want to relax and have fun.
Behavioural: Students and young professionals to boost energy during work long day at work.
Red Bull sugar-free:
Demographics: Women aged 16-29
Geographics: Mainly in the city where there are many young professional women.
Psychographics: Drivers who are tired