A Thesis Proposal
Presented to Faculity of the University of Manila
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
Master of Business Administration
Major in Marketing Management
Rose Antonette A. Avila
I would like to express my gratitude to all those who have contributed to this work.
First, To my ever-loving parents who are always there to give me courage to pursue my goals and provide financial and emotional support.
To my friends who are always capable of giving me enough faith in doing this research at times of failures.
And above all, the one who created everything, the One who give wisdom and strength, the One who picks me up when I feel so broken , to our almighty Father.
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Background
1.3 Theoretical / Conceptual Framework
1.4 Statement
1.5 Hypothesis
1.6 The Signifacence of the study
CHAPTER TWO 2.0 Review of Literature and Studies
2.1 Four sub-section 1.0 Foreign Literature 1.2 Local Literature 1.3 Foreign Studies 1.4 Local Studies
2.1.2 Literature and studies 2.0 Content 2.1 Methodology and sampling plan 2.2 Use of the same set of factors or variables in the present study
3.0 Methodology and Procedures
3.1 Validation of the Instrument tools
3.2 Statistical Treatment of Data
4.0 Presentation,Analysis and Interpretation of Data
5.0 Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation
CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction
Interest in the concepts of job satisfaction has grown in recent years because of their efficacy on work commitment, and their basic importance to the understanding of a worker’s behavior and the continuous effective operations of organizations. 1.1 Purpose
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