Introduction- The research aims at finding the various career and organizational regrets that an employee has and grouping them together under clusters which are more familiar in the organizational behavior constructs. Once the more common regrets are identified the research will aim to find out the antecedents (factors) causing those regrets and possible outcomes of those regrets.
However organizational behavior as a study proposes various models and theories to reconcile the factors causing the regrets and suggests possible solutions to overcome them. We will do a study of those models and apply them in the current context to identify the regrets, their possible causes and solutions.
Evaluation of existing literature
Psychological Empowerment in Workplace: Dimensions, Measurement and Validation- This model tries to explain the feeling of empowerment from an employee’s context. Empowerment according to the model is increased motivation towards his task with which is manifested through set of four intrinsic variables – meaning, competence, self- determination and impact.
Meaning- It means understanding of goals or tasks assigned to an individual in relation to his own ideals and standards. It basically is involves fit between the goals and tasks and the values and beliefs of an individual.
Competence- It basically means having the belief in one’s own capabilities and skills to complete the tasks given.
Self-Determination- It means freedom or autonomy of starting and continuing and task.
Impact- It means the degree to which an individual can influence the decisions in an organization at different levels i.e. strategic, administrative and operational outcomes.
Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory- According to this theory the leaders, given the time pressure they have develop special relationships with some members amongst his followers. These followers form an in-group with the leader and
Bibliography: 1. Academy of management Journal-1995, Vol.38, No-5, 1442-1465, Psychological Empowerment In The WorkPlace: Dimensions, Measurement and Validation – Gretchen M.Spreitzer 2