In the article ‘Data Collection: Primary Research Methods’, Christ (2009) wrote that, the responsibility for collecting data under primary research falls to the marketer. Marketers can select two basic approaches to collect data using primary methods:
• Qualitative Data Collection
• Quantitative Data Collection
Qualitative Data Collection
Most commonly known as “touchy-feely” research, this collection method requires the researcher to interpret the information gathered, without the benefit of statistical support. However, the lack of scientific control over the research of this type as well as the time consuming factor are considered to be key drawbacks. It is also expensive and limited to a small segment of the entire market. Due to various barriers, conducting qualitative data collection methods to a large group can be difficult when deciding the final outcome.
Overall, qualitative data collection methods are most suitable to be used for discovery purposes and explanations nevertheless with limitations.
According to the suggested evidence and reasons, the following Qualitative data collection options will be conducted for the research design of this primary investigation. 1. Structured and unstructured interviews
Sekaran (2006) writes that, “Unstructured interviews are so labeled because the interviewer does not enter the interview setting with a planned sequence of questions to be asked of the respondent.” The objective of this is to bring some preliminary issues to the surface so that the researcher can determine what variables need further in-depth