The effect of Acupuncture as treatment for drug addiction
Drug Addiction and Acupuncture
The purpose of the paper is to provide a critical literature review with a proposed research design for acupuncture as a treatment for drug dependency. The relationship between acupuncture as a treatment for drug dependency has puzzled many. The paper will begin with how addiction occurs within the body. I will then go on to describe the variables that a being tested and theory that Health Belief Model that drove me to do research on this particular topic. The paper will conclude with the contributions the research will provide for future studies.
Introduction and Statement of the Problem
Statement of Interest I first came up with the idea when I noticed that it have become a craze for people to undergo acupuncture for weight loss. I decide to do more research acupuncture as a treatment for drug dependency. I began to do research and come up with idea to a critical research review with a proposed research design. I would like to use a within-subjects research design to research this experiment, since research in the drug the addiction area have been limit and the reliability have been questioned. While many argue that acupuncture may not produce a physiological cure for drug addictions, it does provide a soothing and relaxing effect that can be helpful to individuals changing their lifestyles. Survey of Literature
When it comes to addictive disorders it is no known cure for every person or the majority of people who suffer from it. (Boucher, 2005). Scientific investigations have provided information that addiction occurs when an individuals endorphin receptor sites is filled with exogenous opioid peptides instead of endogenous opioid peptides. (Scott & William, 1997)By filling the endorphin receptor sites with endogenous opioid peptides, it causes an individual to experience a feeling of warmth and