1. What is the central issue in this case?
Research in Motion Ltd. [who] is considering quickly penetrating a contrastive, yet competitive market with new technologies and a unique value proposition without the marketing expertise and additional capabilities like order fulfillment, technical support, webpage design and customer billing [what] in the dawn of mobility - 1997 [when] because of [why] * Changing market-place with a suboptimal equilibrium identified * Engineering capabilities to fill the sub-optimal equilibrium (market gap) with a reasonably lasting battery and push notification email * Mobility growth in North America
2. What are the alternatives and chosen alternatives?
Alternative 1: Research in Motion Ltd. penetrates the market by outsourcing its tangential capabilities and promotes the pocket link using value added retailers to encourage end users to consume the product
Alternative 2: Research in Motion Ltd. penetrates the market by outsourcing its tangential capabilities and promotes the pocket link with their own sales team to encourage enterprises’ IT managers that the employees need to consume the product
Alternative 3: Research in Motion Ltd. penetrates the market by outsourcing its tangential capabilities and promotes the pocket link with both value added resellers and their own sales team to encourage enterprises’ IT managers that the employees need to consume the product
Alternative 3: Research in Motion Ltd. penetrates the market by outsourcing its tangential capabilities and promotes the pocket link with both value added resellers and their own sales team to encourage enterprises’ IT managers that the employees need to consume the product. This hybrid model is will encourage adoption at a steady growth. Value added resellers would encourage end users to consume the pocket link once market traction has commenced. Research in Motion’s sales team acts as the catalyst of market