No.Matric: MP121120
Ic: 890908-04-5215
Title: The Influence of the Learning Environment in SMK Taman Universiti 2 Skudai
Lecture: Dr. Bambang Sumintono
The Influence of the Learning Environment on learning behavior in SMK Taman Universiti 2 Skudai
The learning environment is very importance for the student to get a good result. A good teacher who has a good teaching skill, and there are do not have a good learning environment. The student will not success and achieve the target for good exam result. In the model
Problem Statement
Every school has their own learning environment in the teaching and learning section. The teachers also have the different learning teaching in the learning process. As a management of SMK Taman Universiti, learning environment is will affect the learning behavior and at last it will affect student result.
Research Objective
This research’s objective is processing to measure the influence of learning in school. The relation between the teaching skill and the learning behavior is relating the student’s result.
i) The learning environment will affect the student’s result ii) The learning behavior will affect the student’s result
Research Question
To get the accurate measurement, the research questions are purpose to answer the research objective:
i) How the learning environments affect the student’s result? ii) What type of learning behavior of student will affect the student’s result?
Justification of Study
This research is importance to improve the learning environment and enhance final test result of the students on their learning behavior.
Significance of the Study
This research will identify the appropriate learning environment to match the learning behavior of students. This research