2.1 Title of the study: To understand “The customers satisfaction after sales and services provided by Harpreet Ford”
2.2 Statement of the problem: With the recent influx of different brands in today’s four wheel auto segment each striving to satisfy customer with the end result of maintaining loyalty, at present cars as such have become necessity but not a nicety. Keeping in mind curriculum requirement and organizational requirement the study has been conducted to find out customer satisfaction towards Ford Ikon. However, due to time constraint an in depth study could not be undertaken. 2.3 Need for the study: Aim of every business organization is to satisfy its customers and to earn profit. The need for the study arises in order to create awareness among the customers and to determine the customer satisfaction towards Harpreet Ford and to know their preferences towards Ford Ikon. 2.4 Objective of the study: 2.4.1 Primary objective: • To know the customers opinion towards existing after sales services. • To find out customer’s preference towards Ford Ikon. 2.4.2 Secondary objective: • To attain feedback regarding success of sales promotional tools of the dealer. • To market brand loyalty towards the product.
2.5 Scope of the study: Nowadays car is a part of everyone’s life. Almost everyone from the lower class people to the upper class have cars. Customers will b satisfied only when they are provided with proper service of their cars. So findings of the study help the organization in the following ways: 1. Its helps to know which publicity media gives maximum retention to the customers. 2. The study also helps the company to improve their standard of service and handle the competition in the near future.