1. The peculiarities of Continuum
Continuum – is a text category that represents time and place connection. Time and place are first of all philosophic categories, so Continuum is a philosophic text category. Every text category has deictic means. Deictic means of Continuum are interrogative pronouns ´where?´ and ´when? ´ [2]. Continuum of place and time is realized explicitly in the form of narration and description [2]. For example,
The first three large department stores in the United States, established about 1884, were in Chicago [1, p. 37]. Another example of continuum of time and place, realized explicitly in the form of narration, description and meditation is[2],
At the time of this particular conversation, which occurred at 5 a.m., that little soldier of fortune was sleeping a rather troubled sleep in her new room [1,
Continuum of time is realized implicitly [2]. For example,
It was at that hour between afternoon and night when, for the idle, the wanderer, things are apt on a wistful aspect [1, p.113].
Another example,
5 They dined and went to the theatre [1]. From these examples the recipient can find out about approximate time, when actions occur. In general the author operates with this text category 145 times (23,12 %).
2. The peculiarities of Informativeness realization
Informativeness – is a text category that provides information. Information represents new facts. In artistic text there are two types of information:
1) Plot Informativeness that represents new facts in the plot development in the context (information about the protagonist, other characters, and the chain of events in general).
2) Cognitive Informativeness represents new facts of general knowledge which exists out of the context [2].
Plot Informativeness represents new facts about the main characters, who are Carrie, Drouet and