I. Introduction
A. Christina Rossetti wasn’t the type to marry and rejecting her engagements and other lovers. She was a nineteenth century poet in England.
B. 1848 Rossetti was engaged to James Collision, but ended the engagement after he reverted to Roman Catholicism thus showing how much she was faithful to her religion. She also rejects two other men, Charles Cayley and John Brett. Both of these rejections to lovers are connected to her poems “Goblin Market” and “Memory”.
C. Thesis: Christina Rossetti is a British poet in which elements of her works “Goblin Market” and “Memory” are cited through positive, negative, and personal criticisms; elements such as sound devices, rhyme scheme, figurative language, allegory, parallelism, imagery, and theme help to clarify each criticism.
II. An admiring review of Christina Rossetti poems “Goblin Market” and “Memory” with the use of literary elements allegory and imagery.
A. In the poem “Memory” Rossetti used allegory
1. (lines 9-12) “the perfect balances” to convey the cold objectivity of woman’s judgment in renouncing earthly love. 3.6
2. Woman’s inner psychology of love deferred though self-discipline. “truth” (lines5-6) “idol”(lines 15, 17) “a blessed memory on a throne” (line 23). 3.10, 3.9, 3.8
B. In the poem “Goblin Market” Rossetti used imagery in the poem which has the impact on the reader with making this fantasy world into the images of minds of the readers.
1. (line 406-407) Goblins are forcing the fruit to Lizzie showing the violence of the scene that reader’s can in vision in their mind. 6.1 2. Rossetti main image in the “Goblin Market” is fruit and she describes them in great detail 6.3
III. An unfavorable review of Christina Rossetti’s poem “Goblin Market” using the literary elements figurative language and theme.
A. Rossetti used figurative language in the poem