Trauma is a situation that can affect a human mind to such an extent that it could limit the thinking power of human mind. The major causes of trauma are violence and aggression that significantly affects the people everywhere. In a city it could be clearly seen that there are increased cases of drug abuse, fights, rapes, bomb threats, kidnapping, gang rivalry and shootouts with deadly weapons. These incidents have a tragic affect on human’s mind and their life. All the incidents listed above results in violent acts and have a major impact on the society as whole and hamper the normal course of actions that take place in a city or a country.
There was a survey conducted by the government in late 90s to understand the level at which these incidents are increasing everyday. The survey report clearly indicated a sharp rise in these incidents everyday. Since, people do not have a control on their anger and aggression; therefore it leads to tragic ends.
As a result, to lessen the effects of the incidents, the government became strategize and carried out such manuals which could guide the people in the country as how to deal with the situation when they arise. The strategies also include workshops that could counsel the people all across and also the teams are trained to help people in such situations immediately.
Purpose of the Manual: The main objective of the manual is to lay down the guidelines for the Incident: Bomb Threat in a city and also inform the people about the various steps to be taken and the services to be informed immediately for rescue operation. * Foster and create a safe environment in the country. * Deal with emergency efficiently by the means of a preset design of action. * Take a rapid action in the occurrence of a critical incident. * Reduce panic and misunderstanding by organizing preset guidelines that will ensure protection and safety measures. * Create and keep up
References: * Critical incident manual . (n.d.). Ealing Grid for Learning . Retrieved December 1, 2012, from * Bomb Threat - Critical Incident Management Plan - The University of Iowa. (n.d.). The University of Iowa. Retrieved December 1, 2012, from * Critical Incident Response Manual. (n.d.).Docstoc – We Make Every Small Business Better. Retrieved December 1, 2012, from * Critical incident protocol. (2000). Washington, D.C.: Office for State and Local Domestic Preparedness Support. * Smith, J. (2009). A law enforcement and security officers ' guide to responding to bomb threats: providing a working knowledge of bombs, preparing for such incidents, and performing basic analysis of potential threats (2nd ed.). Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas.