Meaning of Research, The Research Process and Characteristics
1. To understand the nature and meaning of research. 2. To know continuous search after new knowledge of a fundamental nature. 3. To apply the goals of research in the development of technically trained people of various levels to man science agencies, industrial firms and allied organizations. 4. To recognize the need for information • accurate information is the basis for intelligent decision making. • helps when formulating appropriate research questions, such as “What is the topic?” • can define focus and timeline – “Do I have enough time to find the appropriate information on my topic?” 5. Save time by searching effectively. 6. Create better quality research paper.
When man faces problems, he sooner or later seeks solution. Research is born out of these problems and of man’s determination to solve them. Man’s progress over the years has depended on research. As a matter of fact, our times have been described as a period of fabulous accomplishment. Today virtually every field of life has been touched by the research process.
Who are Researchers?
Persons who has an inquisitive mind, one who is not satisfied until he achieve his goal.
Explore and gain an understanding of human behavior and social life and thereby gain a greater control over them.
“It is a process of scientific thinking that leads to the discovery or establishments of new knowledge or truth. It is not a subjective expression of ideas or opinions.” (Isidro and Malolos, 1979)
Characteristics of Scientific Thinking:
1. It is based on facts. 2. It starts from complex problems. 3. It is free from personal bias or opinion. 4. It uses objective measurements.
“The careful unbiased investigation of a problem, based in so far as possible upon demonstrable facts