A bank is a financial institution which conducts various operations with money and serves for the government and private purposes of clients. Banking fulfils many functions, the most important and popular of which are depositing and crediting. If a person needs money to open business, purchase a car or an apartment, she can borrow the money in a bank. It is obvious that banks lend money for the single purpose – to get profit, because every credit is given for a certain percent. If you borrow money, you will surely have to give back much more. Then, if a person has extra money, she does not need to keep it at home, because it is not safe and moreover she can use the money wisely taking advantage of the service of depositing. That mean, the sum of the deposited money kept in the bank grows every month due to the certain percent offered by the bank.
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Evidently, banking influences the economics and the financial system of the country, no wonder the majority of the serious commercial banks are regulated by the state. National banks, on the other hand, are constantly supported by the government, because the stability and value of the national currency is of the first importance for the state. The government often takes advantage of banking when it needs money for innovations and certain finance-consuming reforms. Banking appeared in the 14th century in Italy and very soon their popularity grew, as the life of people has become dependent on money, and banks are the best places to save money or borrow it.
If a student has investigated the topic of banking well and wants to research it even more profoundly, he will need to complete a successful banking research proposal, which will persuade the professor in the importance of the topic and the research on it. A well-composed research proposal is a brief, logical, interesting and informative paper which presents the key idea and