GROUP # __I did not find the group number however my group members ID’s are from 1 to 5___
YOUR NAME __Anjani Devi Danthuluri__
This evaluation form asks you to rate your fellow group members on the quality and quantity of work contributed to the group. You may use any percentage between 1% and 100%. Fold the evaluation (lengthwise) when completed, your professor will pick it up momentarily.
General Guidelines:
100% = Person did everything he/she could have possibly done to help the group be successful. 95% = Person contributed 95% of what he/she should have (i.e., did A work). 92% = Person contributed 90% of what he/she should have (i.e., did A- work). 88% = Person contributed 88% of what he/she should have (i.e., did B+ work). 85% = Person contributed 85% of what he/she should have (i.e., did B work). etc...
Member's Name
Percentage rating
Explanation of Rating (Required for all ratings).
Lauren Anne Case
She gave a good start to the group discussion. She started with the goal of the meeting and objectives to be fulfilled to get the quality of the output. She actively participated and contributed good ideas to support the goal.
Benjamin Joseph Dilocker
He did pretty well in analyzing the others’ ideas and explained his ideas with clear description. Indeed he paraphrased most of the ideas expressed by other group members.
Amy Sue Drake
Amy was very supportive when other group members are putting forth their ideas and she gave some live and experienced examples to explain how those ideas could work pragmatically.
Daniel Durski
Even he did a good job in paraphrasing the ideas which were explained by other group members and expressed his views on the particular ideas with clear negatives and positives.
Additional Comments (if desired):
The group discussion was pretty lively and felt it was totally a real thing happening around me. It all happened because of