The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, NCTM, and the National Association for the Education of Young Children, NAEYC, indicate that in order to see an improvement in mathematics proficiency, “greater attention must be given to early mathematics experiences (NAEYC 1),” such as in early childhood education. However, based on the ten recommendations provided, it seems that it all begins with the teacher and their methods. Poor preparation, lack of professional training and lack of resources may hinder teachers in properly teaching high-quality mathematics. If teachers were provided with the proper resources and professional development that is encouraging and informational, along with the necessary materials to teach math, then there is a big possibility for growth.
NAEYC Position Statement Review
The NCTM and NAEYC position statement describes what teachers and other professionals should do with their children and they also mention what institutions, program developers and policy makers should do to help teachers achieve growth in mathematical development. It provides ten recommendations to teachers and professionals that would help in achieving high-quality mathematics education for 3-to-6 year old children. The first two recommendations focus more on the child and their development, culture, family, background and language. NAEYC indicates that “young children show a natural interest in and enjoyment of mathematics. Research evidence indicates that long before entering school children spontaneously explore and use mathematics…and their mathematical knowledge can be quite complex and sophisticated (NAEYC 4).” Since children already have this interest, it is important to keep their interest piqued by continuing to introduce them to mathematics with things they are familiar with. Each child learns differently therefore it is important to recognize and build on their individual experiences. To
References: Kostelnik, M., & Soderman, A. (2007). Developmentally appropriate curriculum: Best practices in early childhood education (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall.