Multicultural Counseling & Ethical Issues for School Counselors
LaToya A. DeBardelaben
Liberty University
Graduate Writing (GRE 500)
Multicultural Counseling & Ethical Issues for School Counselors 2
The purpose of this research is to identify multicultural counseling and ethical issues for school counselors. Multicultural counseling is basd on the diversity of a relationship between a counselor and a client. One of the most important differences for multicultural counseling is how to address the problem through the cultue. Counselors are acknowledging culture into their theory and practice when dealing with school-age students. Although, the progress is increasing there still remains an ethical and multicultural delimma because school counselors may comibine their personal belief and biases assumptions with their counseling responsibilities. However, my research will aim to explore and identify where the problem begins and how to create a different avenue for school counselors.
Multicultural Counseling & Ethical Issues for School Counselors 3
School counselors play numerous roles to students. Gone are the days of school counselors sitting in their office simply handing out college applications, making schedule changes for students who want to drop a class or meeting with the troublemakers in the school. Their primary goals are to encourage, support, and foster positive academic, career, social, and personal development in child and youth in schools. They play vital roles help all students in the areas of academic achievement; personal/social development and career development, ensuring today's students become the productive, well-adjusted adults of tomorrow. school counselor is a counselor and an educator who works in