The approach of hurricane Irma didn’t make me as nervous as much as it should have, most likely due to my mother worrying enough for the both of us. We covered everything important and not so important things in plastic, bought many emergency lights, and tried our best to patch up any weak spots. The actual day of Irma we locked the dog in the house, after making sure she used the bathroom of course, and headed to my grandmother’s house. The rest of the night
passed quickly, mainly because I was asleep. The same can be said for Hurricane Jose although it was much calmer. Hurricane Maria was somewhat more nerve racking. For this hurricane, or tropical storm in this case, we stayed home. Maria brought enough rain to leak through the roof and enough wind to blow off the rain gutters. The warzone stirring outside was enhanced by the wind throwing projectiles at my house. The sounds of the rain gutters banging against the wall late into the night until eventually it flew and I could finally rest.
After the passage of three hurricanes didn’t leave as much damage as would be expected. Minus the loss of a few trees, the most cleaning that was done was moping water and eating everything in the fridge before it spoils.