In July 2003, aired on FX (Fox Extended) for the first time, the American Television drama series called “Nip/Tuck”. Ryan Murphy, an American film and television screenwriter, director, and producer was the creator of this series that was a sensational hit while it lasted until the last 100TH episode in March 2010. The medical circumstances, according to the series creator, were based 100% on real fact. It received 45 award nominations, winning one Emmy Award in 2004 and one Golden Globe in 2005. The dramatic Television series Nip/Tuck tell us about the lives of two plastic surgeons, whose lives are threatened to vanish because of the stress of greediness, jealousy, desire and wrongdoing.
The series focuses on the main characters Drs. Sean McNamara and Christian Troy, played by the actors Dylan Walsh and Julian McMahon respectively. They both were the founders of their own medical practice characterized as an innovative and conflictive plastic surgery center. Even though the series started in Miami, by its fourth season it relocated to Los Angeles and most of its cast members followed along. Explicit and partial representation of the plastic surgeries they performed in their patients were included in each episode. Popular interventions, such as breast augmentation, exotic procedures, as well as skin diseases removals were very common in the program. Most of its drama is consequence from the unrestrained personal lives of its main characters, not to leave aside their family members whose lives also were affected by the mistakes and poor choices from the surgeons.
The series narrows the problems of the personal lives each surgeon has to deal with. In the case of McNamara, he is constantly facing difficulties in his marriage due to the constant seductiveness of women. He will try to maintain his family together by covering up his fails upon his desires and greediness. Christian Troy, instead utilizes his appeal with prospective female candidates to