AY 2013 – 2014
Name:___________________________________________________ Date: ______________
Year & Section: ___________________________________________ Score: ____________
GENERAL DIRECTION: Read each item carefully. Answer all the questions accurately. Avoid erasures.
I. IDENTIFICATION Directions: Identify the fact that is being referred to in the following statements. Choose your answer from the word pool below. Write your answer on the spaces provided.
Conventional Sign Military Courtesy Discipline Military Discipline Intelligence Military Symbols Leadership Physical Alertness Map Salute
__________1. It includes native ability and good common sense and judgment. __________2. It is expressed as sign of mutual respect. __________3. It is the virtue that is expected to all individuals. __________4. It is promptly and cheerfully obeying any order given. __________5. It is founded upon respect for loyalty to a properly constituted authority. __________6. It is exercises over the subordinates.. __________7. It shows object and other features on the ground. __________8. It represent some terrain features or work of man.. __________9. It represent various types of military organization.
II. ANALOGY Directions: Analyze the relationships that exist among the given pairs of words. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided.
10. Knowledge : Intelligence :Good moral : ____________ A. alertness C. discipline B. character D. leadership
11. Accomplish successfully : Efficiency Character building ______:_____ A. discipline