*Rationale and Background*
*Statement of the Problem*
The main problem of this study is to determine what are the things that mainly contribute to a successful life. This can be based on the following research questions:
1.What is stress?
2.How do you respond to stress?
3. How much stress is too much?
4. Is stress controlling us?
5. Why do we fight stress?
6. What are the measure used to relieve stress?
*Statement of the Hypothesis*
1. A negative energy and factors that affect the individual behavior, emotional, physical, mental conditions. 2. By staying away from it and doing the things I love/like like for example hobby: cooking, eating, photography and modeling 3. For me, stress is quantifiable. It only gets worse if you don’t know how to handle it. 4. Stress can be ruled out if a person is optimistic and strong enough to handle it. 5. Fighting stress is a must because this factor will lead us to failure or downfall. 6. –By doing things you like or love
-Maintain positive outlook in life
-Stay away from stimuli if possible
-ask or talk to someone about it
*Significance of the study*
-Students. The students will be able to benefit from this study since they will be able to know what are the signs and symptoms of stress and how to respond and deal with this.
-Parents. Parents will be able to benefit from this study they can have enough knowledge about this factors signs and symptoms and how to respond and deal with stress. They will be able to know its causes and learn to recognize them through brought to a stressful life so that they can have enough time to relax, as one of the solutions to deal with stress.
-Teachers. Teachers can benefit from this study because through this, they would find ways to prevent a stressful life as they deal with their students with full and overload works throughout the day they can also have time to correct sings and symptoms and causes of stress through their