The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is a recent Internet trend, which has been done by anyone from locals, to famous individuals. Pete Frates, who is a former basketball player for Boston College, started it. He was diagnosed with ALS two years ago. Everyone from your next-door neighbor, to Justin Timberlake is accepting the challenge. The main purpose of this movement is to raise awareness and money for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is a disease affecting nerve cells in the spinal cord and in the brain. Individuals who suffer from this condition lose control of their muscles, ultimately resulting in total paralysis, then death. What is the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge? This challenge involves being filmed getting a bucket of ice water poured on your head. Followed by nominating three other people to do the same. The challenge went viral in the beginning of August 2014, and since then the ALS Association has received over 114 million dollars in Ice Bucket Challenge donations alone. …show more content…
Activism is an action that has the potential to change society.
It ranges between persuading people to change their way of life, to persuading the government to change its laws. Slacktivism is an action performed with good intentions, however it is commonly done over the Internet, requiring minimum effort or involvement. In some circumstances, I do believe that the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge could be considered slacktivism. On the grounds that there are definitely people that have done this challenge, having little to no idea what ALS even stands for. However, I understand that this movement has raised millions of dollars for the ALS Association. It has also raised so much awareness for the cause. Ultimately, I do believe that the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is
I believe that the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is ultimately activism. It has raised an immense amount of money and awareness for the cause. Before the Ice Bucket Challenge, many people did not know what ALS was. Therefore even if an abundance of individuals did the challenge without donating, simply for something to do, or to see how many “likes” they would get on social media, they are still raising awareness. When others, like myself, donated to association and completed the act of dumping ice water over my head. Either way, someone is raising awareness, money, or both. The fact that during the summer time, every second post seen on almost every social media was a video of someone dousing ice-cold water over his or her head is activism. Something as simple as that dumping ice water on themselves changed the way people perceive things over the course of the past 3 months.
The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge changed the way people think about charities, and how to help. It is a new, fun way to get people involved. As previously stated, everyone who completes the Ice Bucket Challenge is helping out the ALS Association is some way. Either by raising awareness or by donating money. According to the ALS Association, donations from August 4-August 6, 2014 were up by 10 times from 2013. To conclude, the trend that is the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is activism. Even if it requires little effort, it has raised millions of dollars for the ALS Association, as well as an immense amount of awareness for the cause. Who knew that dumping a bucket of ice water on your head, could achieve so much?