Kids ages eight to eighteen spend more than seven hours using technology a day. (If your kids are awake they’re probably online…) Technology has become a huge part of our everyday life. Our society is controlled by and dependent on what technology has to offer us. But, are we too distracted by it? Despite all of technologies advancements, social issues surrounding the topic still exist. Today’s children would rather stay inside playing video games and watching TV then going outside and playing. Technology is changing the way we think. Guidelines from the Department of Health and Human Services say that children and adolescents age six and older need at least an hour a day of physical activity …show more content…
(Lakouski, Edward M.D.). This amount of physical activity is needed to help obtain good health and well being. The majority of children don’t get that much because they spend all of their free time in front of a screen. This has become a huge problem and is what has made our society obese. Not only does technology affect their physical abilities, it also has taken a toll on their minds. Kids don’t use their brains for knowledge and common sense anymore because they have google.
Instead of thinking on their own or asking a friend, they pick up their phone and google the answer. In the real world, you need to have social skills. Being able to interact with other people is important because that is how we learn behaviors and what is socially exceptable. There is so much more to life then your cell phone, TV, or Ipad. Your co workers, friends, and family have more to offer you socially than any form of technology. Social media may seem like the perfect way to interact with people, but that is not the case. Social media sites like Instagram and Facebook prevent face to face communication. This personal communication would also prevent the most negative aspect of technology. Perhaps, one of the most deadly effects of technology in our society are deaths caused by texting and driving. Using your phone while driving causes about 1,600,000 accidents per year (Because texting and driving kills!). Texting or calling while behind the wheel of a vehicle is pointless because you’re putting everyone on the road in danger. No phone call or text is worth a life. This problem is most common in teenagers and young adults. We need to start caring about those around us and just say no to using our phones or any technology while
driving. In conclusion, it is highly suggested that everyone, young and old, limit the use of technology. Although technology has made great advancements in the world, it is also taking over our lives. We as a society should stop basing our lives around something as unneeded as technology.