
Research Paper On Atonement

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The 3rd Article of faith is on the atonement of Christ

Ø "We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel."

In preparing this read and re-read that A of F about a bah-jillion times

One of these times, sleeping over at a friends house . . . . couldn't sleep.
Scriptures and re-read to see if I could get any ideas for this opportunity.

This time, noticed that the "Atonement of Christ" is capitalized. I don't know why, but I had never noticed that before.

Next morning, Asked my friend why she thought it was capitalized
She's a return missionary and a super genius.
Hoping for a long answer that I could use for this talk, instead of having to
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How many people in the room . . . . going to BYU.
My mom and Dad are on a genealogy kick right now, and I look censuses with thousands of names on it.

Still can't fathom all mankind.

Ø Apostle Orson Pratt said, "We believe that through the sufferings, death, and atonement of Jesus Christ all mankind, without one exception, are to be completely and fully redeemed, both body and spirit, from the endless banishment and curse to which they were consigned by Adam's transgression . . . whether they believe of disbelieve, whether they repent or remain impenitent, whether they are baptized or un-baptized, whether they keep the commandments or break them, whether they are righteous or unrighteous, it will make no difference in relation to their redemption, both soul and body."

So all of mankind. People in this room . . . going to BYU . . . everyone that has ever come to this earth can be saved through the Atonement of Christ.

So essentially if everyone can be saved, why does the 3rd A of F end with

Ø "by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel."

If the righteous and unrighteous alike may be saved, why even try to be

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