The city has a large historical significance and has been around since the dark ages. The city has a huge place in history as the capital of the former Nazi Germany. Berlin is known around the world for its historical significance and gothic architecture.
“Berlin had its beginning in two Wendish villages, Berlin and Kölln, which were chartered in the 13th cent. …show more content…
The Reichstag is a large historical landmark in Berlin. Walk the Berlin Wall, the wall was almost completely destroyed in June through July of 1990 but a restored section is up along the southern border. ("20 Essential Things to Do in Berlin" 1). There is also the Brandenburg Gate which has plenty of historical significance. The shot of German soldiers marching through the Brandenburg Gate is one of the most iconic images in history. Checkpoint Charlie, the U.S. checkpoint that was between East and West Berlin, was a place of high tension during the Cold War and is another historical place you can visit in …show more content…
From history to art the city of Berlin is packed full of culture and history and thanks to the vast numbers of museums it is all readily available. The occupation ended in 1990 and the DDR museum offers a glimpse into the old days of East Berlin. ("20 Essential Things to Do in Berlin" 1). Berlin is a very cultural city and the museums around the city will help you get some inside knowledge of the city.
Berlin is also known for some of their large malls. The Potsdamer Platz is a famous mall in Berlin and it is very well known around the world. Perhaps Western Europe’s largest and most famous department store is in Berlin and that would be the Kaufhaus Des Westens or KaDeWa (Kalb 1). If you are a shopper and are interested in visiting malls Berlin is a great destination for you to visit.
Berlin has a modern atmosphere and has risen to be one of the most modern yet still a very classic city. It offers a variety of things to do. Its gothic architecture and some of the stone structures add a classic gothic feel to the city. But the modern malls and buildings make it a very modern and sophisticated city. Berlin is an awesome destination jampacked with things to do for anyone with any