I. Introduction
A. “The loss of 630 lives in bicycle crashes in 2009, just under two people every day of the year in the U.S., is a terrible toll” ("Bicycle Crash Facts"), states the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration.
B. Due to the lack of education in bike safety, Elementary Schools in the U.S. do not provide, children are more likely to be involved in traffic accidents, have an increased risk of death, and the rate of people riding bikes is rapidly decreasing.
II. Body Paragraph Children are not informed properly about the different traffic signs, the importance of a helmet and other topics, which are fundamental for a person to be able to ride a bike.
III. Body Paragraph
In addition, Teachers and parents should encourage their children and students to ride their bikes more frequently, what could prevent them from obesity and pollution.
IV. Body Paragraph
Besides the positive change the use of a bicycle can have on a human body and even mind as they relax on their way, they help reduce pollution, as they do not create any carbon emissions.
V. Conclusion
A. Clearly, elementary schools in the United States of America do not satisfy the deficit of the bicycling information in the education system in order to prevent their students from eventual traffic accidents, perhaps even death and to encourage the next generation to use their bicycles more frequently.
B. Summarize Body Paragraphs
C. Saving 630 lives of sons and daughters in a year should not be a topic to discuss, but to be set immediately in action and support the greatest invention a human ever made, the bicycle.
A Ride to a Better
Cited: Baxamusa, Batul N. "Ride You Weight off." Easy Health and Living Oct. 2008: 31-32. "Bicycle Crash Facts." Bicyclinginfo.org. University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center, and Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center. Web. 27 Jan. 2011. Dvorak, Phred. "San Francisco Ponders: Could Bike Lanes Cause Pollution?" Wall Street Journal (2008): A1 Forester, John. Bicycle Transportation. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 1983. Print. Web. 10 Dec. 2010. .