Obscene Offensive to accepted standards of decency or modesty. Let's move on to breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is feeding an infant or young child with breast milk directly from human breasts and not from a baby bottle or other container. Humans and animals have been breastfeeding their young for millions and millions of years, yet to some it is a un-natural approach to feeding a child. What I want to know is how can anyone, even if they do not have children think that breastfeeding is sexually explicit, pornographic or obscene in …show more content…
Twice now, since my baby was born in April 2006, I have had low supply and have had to deal with a fussy, screaming baby who just wanted more food. Would it have been easier for me to supplement with formula? Absolutely. But, then, my milk supply would've taken an even greater hit and I would've started down the slippery slope of bottle/formula feeding. After doing some research on the internet, I have found that there are many ways to increase milk supply - either naturally or with medications. Here are some of the top ways for mothers to increase their supply: Nurse baby frequently: The key to breastfeeding and increasing your supply is to remove more milk from the breast, creating a supply and demand issue. Having your baby remove more milk from the breast signals your body to produce more, thinking that baby needs more. Take a nursing vacation: I have had to do this with my baby, when we were trying to wean her off formula after being released from the hospital. Just grab a few books, magazines, lots of water, and bring baby to bed with you, and just nurse on demand. This goes hand in hand with nursing your baby more frequently - if you spend just a few days nursing your child on demand, your body will realize that baby needs more milk, thus it will begin to produce more. Offer both sides at each feeding: If, after feeding for a while on one side, you