My point of view on Donald Trump is that …show more content…
That reminds me since we are on the same topic that trumps a crazy ludacris maniac who wants to take over the world. Even politicians. That's right! The people who sit in the same place as trump are against him and disagree with his sayings. Here's a quote from a fellow politician called Andy Bolowitz. “Stopping Trump is a short term solution. The long term solution is fixing the educational system that has created so many people negative and ignorant to vote for trump.” I couldn't agree more. Trumps beliefs and craziness is like a zombie virus, It spreads around and turns you into a miniature Trump. Oh! And don't even get me started on his lies. I quote from the man himself Donald Trump “I judge people based on their; capability, honesty and merit.” What a load of beeswax. He judges people based on your religion, beliefs and what skin color you are. Donald Trump is nothing but a Xenophobic crazy man and the people voting for him are out of their mind. But also at the end of the day America's voting for a businessman, not a …show more content…
He was talking about Trump. (some radio network) said that “Trump has no interest in doing the tough demographic work which is necessary for campaigns”. Here's a definition of what the word demographic means. Demographic are common human characteristics used in marketing and government research. What this tells me is that Trump isn't finding out the basics like where they are from their background ,religion and beliefs. But incase is overall judging them on the actions of a few from their own population. So in an easy explanation for this is that Trump judges people based on the whole population. Just lazy. Trump has even got the time to build a wall between Mexico and America but Trump doesn't have the time to find out the common human characteristics. Even the citizens of United States think that he's a crazy man. Many people who don't support trump have been affected by his policies or how he