“Nursing has evolved as a scientific discipline and is emerging into professional status. From Florence Nightingale's direct bedside patient care to its present multifaceted roles, nursing has changed significantly in its scope of practice, responsibilities and functions”
The name of Florence Nightingale cannot be forgotten as she was considered as the pioneers in the nursing profession .She has contributed a lot in the field of nursing and her works are considered as the assets ,these works will be remembered for many years. Florence Nightingale was born in the year 1820 and died in 1910.The history shows that she lived through an era of conflict and change. The main contribution of Florence is that she has defined Nursing in its correct form. She had developed the correct and concise meaning of nursing. That is she has described what nursing is and what nursing is not. She believed that nursing involves Environmental Manipulation, Nutrition, and Conservation of Patient Energy., all these aspects were initially included in nursing .And the literal meaning of nursing was in one way or the another connected all these aspects.
The principles which have been defined by Florence Nightingale depicts that nursing is basically connected with reforms.
In order to cover all those aspects which have been mentioned earlier nursing should be actively