Having a career will give finances that are required to have a family, or a decent car. Furthering education will give a person the career that is needed to go through life. Bills will need to be payed, families will need taken care of, and all of that requires a successful career. Forensic anthropology is challenging for the mind, and provides the required amount of money …show more content…
to survive in the real world.
Forensic anthropology is the application of anthropology to solving deaths in criminal investigations. It uses concepts and methods from biological anthropology (the study of the physical aspects of humanity).(Forensic 1)
Identifying unknown bodies and individuals is the key part of a forensic anthropologist’s job. Anthropologists assist in identifications by finding the biological profile of the body. This includes estimating age, sex, stature, and ancestry, as well as identifying specific characteristics, like diseases or injuries. In addition to helping identify human remains, the anthropologist analyzes injuries that happened around the time of a person's death, which can help determine how a person died. They can tell you the weight of the body, the physical appearance,and so much more just by looking at the bone structure. It is a fantastic thing to think about how people can actually do this amazing work. To do these things, an anthropologist begins by asking a series of important questions.(Identifying 2) Anthropologists and archeologists typically work in research organizations, government, and consulting firms. Although most forensic anthropologists work in offices, some also analyze samples in laboratories or do fieldwork. Fieldwork in foreign or exotic areas requires travel for long periods of time.(Anthropologists 2) The average yearly salary for a forensic anthropologist in Indianapolis, Indiana is $114,062. If someone are just beginning to work a new job as a forensic anthropologist in Indianapolis, Indiana, they could earn a starting pay rate of $93,933 annually. As is true for most jobs and careers,the hourly pay rate or salary might rise as the person becomes a better forensic anthropologist and are employed underneath the employer for a long period of time. In Indianapolis someone could possibly make an average income of around $134,190 after several years on the job with increased wages.(Average 1)The starting monthly average is $6,262 - $9,393.(Starting 2) The starting hourly average is $34 - $50.(Starting 3)The average forensic anthropologist age in Indiana is 35 years old.(Average 2) Someone can make a large amount of money from being a forensic anthropologist. The first step toward becoming a forensic anthropologist is to earn a bachelor's degree in anthropology.
The best undergraduate program that would help you pursue your career should include courses in the three main subfields of anthropology, according to a forensic anthropologist at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. These three subfields are physical anthropology, cultural anthropology and archaeology. Some universities' anthropology programs might include courses in linguistics, a fourth specialty. Dr. Albert, the forensic anthropologist from the University of North Carolina, cautions that a forensic anthropologist is an anthropologist first and a forensic scientist second.(Undergraduate 1) After getting a grip on the feel of anthropology, a student wanting to become a forensic anthropologist should start concentrating on physical anthropology, which emphasizes the physical evolution and development of human beings. Because forensic anthropologists study human bones, It is recommended to study in osteology, the study of bones.(Specialization …show more content…
1) Many schools have anthropology as a major. Only a few schools in Indiana offer anthropology as a major. The University of Indianapolis is one of the top forensic anthropology offering schools to go to. The Bachelor of Arts in anthropology recognizes, studies, describes and understands many aspects of culture. Students take courses like biology,human culture, and archaeology because they will help them advance in the anthropology world. This helps students know what it is like to be in the field.Anthropology and archaeology are complementary majors, so students seem to do both.(Anthropology 1)
The University of Indianapolis is a desired college because of its small classes and its courses that use all four fields of anthropology. Another reason is that you can have direct contact with your professors, as said from the University of Indianapolis website. There are also immediate opportunities for students to conduct research. “The professors are first-rate and some of the best in their fields of study. The hands-on approach and the one-on-one training I received helped me prepare for graduate school and put me far above the other students.”said Kelly Guthridge Jones, who acquired a Bachelor’s of Science in archaeology, and a Bachelor’s of Art in anthropology.(Program 1,2,3,4) It takes quite a while to become a full fledged forensic anthropologist. Many years of college is required, and being certified by a board of forensic anthropologists is also required. The first step is to get a bachelor’s degree in anthropology. It won’t get you very far if you are trying to become a forensic anthropologist, but it is only the first step. To get a bachelor’s degree, it takes four years of college. The next step is to get a master’s degree. That takes about two more years of college. With the master’s, someone can become an anthropologist. The goal is to acquire a Ph.D.To become a certified forensic anthropologist, you must have a Ph.D, have three years of forensic experience after receiving that degree, and take a very challenging test.(Interview 4) Adults choose to become forensic anthropologists because helping someone find out about their deceased loved ones is thrilling. The rush of working quickly on a case is wonderful. The job is for plugging up holes in the investigations of the world. Forensic anthropologists apply science to real world situations. Science is actually used outside of high school. Forensic anthropologists figure out who the deceased is, what killed them, and what they looked like in such a short amount of time. That is incredible.(Interview 1,3) Forensic anthropology is very challenging for the mind.
Memorizing all of the bone structure takes a lot of practice. That is why there aren’t very many forensic anthropologists.
When I first became interested in forensic anthropology, I was watching a tv show called Bones. It is about a forensic anthropologist named Temperance Brennan who works at the Jeffersonian Museum(a fictional place) in Washington D.C. She works with a Federal Bureau of Investigation agent named Seeley Booth. They both work together to solve murders. Agent Booth finds the bad guys while Dr. Brennan finds out who the victims are. They have extra help though. Dr. Brennan has had multiple interns, and has trusty lab partners to help her put an identity to the victim. I want to be a forensic anthropologist because I want to help people. I want to make a difference in the world. Bringing closure and stepping past my comfort zone is what I want to do. Seeing the dead bodies, mangled faces, and dismembered body parts would not bother me at all. I know that that is exactly what I want to do with my