Stress, anxiety, fear, depression; these are words that many of the people ravaged by this disaster became all too familiar with.
Granted, the entire cascade of events associated with this natural disaster was very unfortunate and disheartening. But, the Haitian nation was simply not adequately prepared to prevent the effects of the earthquake from reaching as far as they did. As a result, a mind boggling question has been raised: could simple efforts have caused this catastrophe to have been less catastrophic? This research topic is being explored by building officials, architects, and designers worldwide who seek to lessen earthquake-related effects on society (Jain). As living standards rise and urbanism spreads in the modern world, the potentiality for earthquake-related catastrophe has spiked. Therefore, cautious steps must be taken to decrease the level of all earthquake-related catastrophes in developing countries while technology behind earthquake resistant architecture is reengineered and
Perhaps the most obvious flaw in developing countries concerning earthquake preparedness, is the physical state of the buildings already in place. Therefore, the state of buildings in developing countries must be improved in order to be able to further withstand the physical effects associated with earthquakes. When it comes to unexpected earthquakes, it is easily observable when countries are grossly unprepared. In fact, after the Haiti earthquake of 2010, it was reported that “many of the buildings were destroyed because of poor designs that were not earthquake resistant” (“Haiti Earthquake of 2010”). Much of the damage and devastation associated with the earthquake had to deal with people being trapped inside of collapsing buildings or being crushed by falling pieces, but all of those injuries, deaths, and missing people cannot be solely attributed to the earthquake itself. But much of the blame can actually be attributed to the physical state of those particular buildings. They were, in most cases, not up to standard code,and they were very rarely in any type of an earthquake-resistant state. As a result, a the earthquake struck and the aftershocks followed, the detrimental effects of the quake were magnified. But developing countries, like Haiti, who have been devastated by an earthquake and all of its effects, there needs to be quick and effective solutions. Among these solutions are the use of thin-shelled barrel roofs. Thin shell barrel roofs can minimize the earthquake damage, while also resisting the corrosion of the tropics, and can be implemented for a very low price (“Thin Shell Roofs”). This presents “leaps and bounds” of positivity for many developing countries that cannot always afford to achieve the highest standards of earthquake resistant technology. The use of this technology would help these countries recover and restore structural damage while also preparing them for future possible earthquakes in an extremely cost efficient and effective way. Improving the state of building who have both been affected and have the potential to be affected by earthquakes, is the first step in dulling the effects of an earthquake related disaster.
As the state of buildings are improved in a cost effective way, the positive correlation between earthquake damage and trauma will be decreased, thus, decreasing the effects of devastating earthquakes in countries. This process is essential to helping countries recover from earthquake disaster and prepare themselves,should another catastrophe take place. Researchers are taking this seriously, and they are taking multiple steps to find out how they can identify and then decrease traumatic effects. In fact, the investigation of past earthquakes, and their effects, have contributed significant information to architects, building officials, and others in this field of study (Boen and Pribadi). People are becoming more aware of the seriousness and detrimental effects of earthquakes and they are using that knowledge to make moves to lessen the pain experienced by earthquake victims. The people becoming aware of this are not just ordinary people, and they are not just “sitting around” with their knowledge. These people are architects and building officials, people who are personally tied to the effectiveness and the lifespan of a specific building. These are people who know about the facts that follow earthquake disasters. These “facts” are factors that either help or hinder a group of affected people when recovering from a disaster. Factors like sleep duration among children after a detrimental earthquake disaster have been tested and it was reported that “Sleep duration [...] was significantly shorter in children with house damage or evacuation experiences [...]” (Usami, “Sleep”). The ability for children to stay calm, even within a safe “home-like” environment, is often catastrophically compromised by a detrimental event, like an earthquake. Other factors that follow disaster include the correlation of stress and/or anxiety after a catastrophic experience. In this study, it was reported that “[...] information about environmental damage experienced by children [accurately predicts that the] children are at high risk for PTSD” (Usami, “Relationships”). Because they cannot stay calm, many of these children develop high levels of anxiety, which later translates into Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The fact that a country’s entire future generation can be thrown off course by the traumatic effects of a natural disaster is disheartening and concerning. But there is reassurance in knowing that there are people, influential people, who are taking the necessary steps to decrease the effects of devastating earthquakes in countries around the world.
All of the solutions presented for countries who have already been devastated by earthquake disasters are helping humanity in a tremendous way. But in order to fully transition into an urban world, the technological aspects behind earthquake resistant architecture need to be rethought. Over and over again, and all over the world, people call for an “earthquake resistant rebuild” after a disaster has taken place. For example, after the Christchurch earthquake of 2011, a major news article was literally making a regional “call to action” for an earthquake resistant rebuild when it was stated that “New earthquake-resistant building technology must be used [...] to protect public safety and avoid more building failures [...]” (“Call of Quake Resistant Rebuild”). It is clear that a realization has been made throughout the scientific and architectural world. This realization is that earthquakes cannot be predicted in a perfected way, at least not yet. Therefore, steps need to be taken now, before another catastrophe occurs, in order to protect the architecture associated with a modern world. And because people cannot do anything to stop earthquakes, it has become an overarching effort to try and rethink technology to minimize the damage. This rethinking has taken the field of tectonics by storm and has led to several experiments that have possibilities to provide a great deal future insight for earthquake protection. For example, after performing several rounds of statistical analysis, “[experts] believe we can engineer the ground so that destructive seismic waves never reach cities [...]” (Ravilious). The ability to reengineer the actual earth itself would do wonders in terms of urban safety from earthquakes, but it may be just a tad unfeasible. Wonderous because it would stop earthquakes from happening and destroying valuable structures. But it's unfeasible because it would require a complete rebuild from underground up and when this technique was experimented, the surrounding area experienced around 20 times more movement because of the redistribution of the waves (Ravilious). Even though this specific technique seems like a failure, it is indicative of an overall effort to rethink earthquake resistant technology, and it is a valuable step in terms of making the implementation of new and improved technology a reality.
With technology behind earthquake resistant architecture is rethought, people around the world are beginning to anticipate the arrival and implementation to this technology more and more. Therefore, As technology behind earthquake resistant architecture is rethought, it also needs to be reengineered, improved, and, finally, implemented in structures around the world. After the earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand, several new earthquake resistant technologies were implemented and proved to be extremely successful. In fact, when there were earthquakes after this advanced technological implementation, these advancements proved to be extremely sucessful: “The most earthquake-resistant building methods known worldwide included the precast seismic structural system (PRESSS), which used concrete, and New Zealand’s timber version, prestressed laminated timber buildings (Pres-Lam). Under the techniques, the articulated buildings flexed and rocked on their foundations in an earthquake, withstanding powerful earthquakes. The building shakes but it does not break and is quickly back in operation.” (“Call of Quake Resistant Rebuild”)
The newly “revolutionized” buildings not only are able to make it through earthquakes, but they are able to withstand them.If a building just “survived” an earthquake, than the purpose of that building would be in the same state of the physical building: Survival Mode. A building in survival mode loses its effectiveness and ceases to achieve the purpose for which that building was constructed, like a school or a hospital. But these building did not just simply survive the earthquake, they withstood the earthquake. They “flexed” and they “rocked’ and, when it was all said and done, they were still functional and able to fulfill their intended purpose in society. With new methods in place, buildings are beginning to show signs of life, or the ability to “roll with the punches,” even during an earthquake. Other modern technology includes the use of bracing systems, which possess the capability to restrain both lateral and local buckling in a shaking building (Bordenaro). New systems are being added to thousands of buildings, at low costs of construction, as a result of newly engineered technology and they have marked the beginning of a new and improved society that is no longer cowering away from the effects of earthquake catastrophe on a worldwide scale.
Society is advancing and life is becoming more and more luxurious as the standard of living rises around the world. The mindset of the modern person is advancing, and technology ,in almost every applicable aspect, is advancing as well. But these advancements need to protected. People's awareness of the world around them is on the rise. Citizens of first world countries are not as egocentric as they used to be and the state of other countries around the world has become a real concern. But this mindset must be protected. Architecture is breaking limits as buildings now rise farther into the sky than ever before. Smart technology within buildings give the buildings better purpose and greater effectiveness through increased access and functionality. But all of this must be protected. Protected from what?? They must be protected from the one thing that cannot be controlled, prevented, or predicted: an earthquake. The effects of an earthquake can cripple an economy, crumble a country, and bring an infrastructure down in shambles within a matter of hours. This is just the fact of the matter when it comes to a natural disaster like a earthquake. This cannot be changed nor can it be ignored. Therefore, dulling the effects associated with earthquake catastrophe has become a focal point of modern architecture. As people become more aware of the science of tectonic movement, it is imperative that they take the measures necessary to protect cities, countries, and the people in them before tragedy strikes. The question was raised contemplating whether or not simple efforts can cause a catastrophe to be less catastrophic. The answer is yes. A natural disaster cannot be prevented, that is why it is called a “natural disaster,” however, the effects of a natural disaster can be dulled and diluted through simple efforts of earthquake resistant practices in architecture. It is possible the take the catastrophe out of a catastrophic event.