In 1788 the original tower which was only 112 feet, which was only 3 stories high, was giving a neoclassical restoration, including a new 69 foot 4th Story. The restoration was undertaken by a naval engineer Eustaquio Gianini during the reign of Charles. When the Roman Empire fell, this lighthouse was the only thing left. Some Legends of the Tower of Hercules is it all begins with Breogan, the mythical founder of the Galician Nation. There are sereral versions of the legend, highlighted in the 19th century. It was at this time that characters like Vercingetorix, Arminus, or Boadicea and Viriathus are rediscovered. The rise of the Europeans Nationalists of that time did much to rediscover those now who transformed into "hero" characters, but have not been completely honest with the true history of the peoples concerned. The Tower of Hercules has served as a lighthouse and landmark at the entrance of La Coruna harbour in the north-western Spain since the laste 1st century A.D. when the Romans built the Farum Brigantium. The people who built the tower was Eustaquio Gianni , Gauis Sevius
In 1788 the original tower which was only 112 feet, which was only 3 stories high, was giving a neoclassical restoration, including a new 69 foot 4th Story. The restoration was undertaken by a naval engineer Eustaquio Gianini during the reign of Charles. When the Roman Empire fell, this lighthouse was the only thing left. Some Legends of the Tower of Hercules is it all begins with Breogan, the mythical founder of the Galician Nation. There are sereral versions of the legend, highlighted in the 19th century. It was at this time that characters like Vercingetorix, Arminus, or Boadicea and Viriathus are rediscovered. The rise of the Europeans Nationalists of that time did much to rediscover those now who transformed into "hero" characters, but have not been completely honest with the true history of the peoples concerned. The Tower of Hercules has served as a lighthouse and landmark at the entrance of La Coruna harbour in the north-western Spain since the laste 1st century A.D. when the Romans built the Farum Brigantium. The people who built the tower was Eustaquio Gianni , Gauis Sevius