Children were scared or could not turn to local Authorities for help. Some children endured physical or sexual abuse by their “protectors”. 15% were mistreated, and 5% were treated badly. Hidden children have been and still are tormented by their memories. Memories of being physically and/or sexually abused by the same people who hid them. Hid them to save their lives from death by the Nazis. Abused children had to deal with separation, persecution, and sexual abuse. Abused children just wanted to know if the person who abused them loved them. “Regardless of what he has done to me, I can’t hate him… I wonder if he ever loved me… after all, he saved my life” (Lev-Wiesel 2005). Dr. Paul Valent, a psychiatric ist and a hidden child himself (1995), said one out of five children in hiding were sexually abused. The hidden children can’t wrap their heads around why their “protectors” would protect them just to abuse and hurt them. Children were so scared of their protectors, when they were abused over and over again, they would not call local authorities. Call local authorities for help to get away from the people who saved them from the Nazis. …show more content…
Children can’t resolve the feeling of being saved just to be abused, while being in the care of their savior.
“Why would he save me just to hurt me?”, this is the question running through many children’s minds. Many Jewish Children have no or very little memory of their heritage. They have no memory of their heritage, because they went into hiding as infants. Jewish Children were forced to wear yellow stars (the Star of David) on all of their clothes. They were forced out of schools and attacked by others. They weren’t able to go to parks and public places. They went into hiding to escape persecution. They had to go into hiding to prevent getting
Hiding places/How/effect Places affected by the Holocaust, it originated in Nazi Germany. Then spread through Central and Eastern Europe. A little amount of Jews could pass as non-Jews and live life openly. Those who couldn’t had to “live” secretly in attics or cellars. Some had to hid with more than just family, complete strangers. They had to try and trust complete strangers, put their lives in others hands.
It was important to have false identity papers, so Jews can live life openly. Some hidden children had to live in barns, chicken coops, and forest hunts, because they were in rural areas. Most children had to stay hidden, not able to flee to safety during bombings. If they got hurt they couldn’t go anywhere for help. Some were protected by people and institutions of other faiths. Belgian Catholics hid hundreds of children. They hid in their homes, schools, orphanages. Over the course of the war, children had to move one place to another constantly. They had to move to prevent discovery. Some children had to leave their parents behind. The emotional pain of separation was constant. Physical hiding represented an attempt to hid ones complete existence from the outside world is going to have a big emotional tole on that person. That person will have a hard time trusting people.
How many people survived/ how did they survive? World War II ended in 1945, six million European Jews were dead. They were killed in the Holocaust. More than one million were children. 9,000 Jewish children survived. One million of those were Jewish children in Poland in 1939. Only about 5,000 survived all together. For the hidden children to survive they needed to keep it a secret. People organized rescue groups who often moved children around and kept records in code. They kept the records in code to prevent discovery. Some parents weren’t allowed to contact their children, or know where they were located. Imagine that, imagine if you were a parent and you could not talk to
them see them. It’s not because you did something wrong it’s because there’s someone trying to murder you and your family , and others like you.
A lot of Jewish Children went into hiding alone. Foster Families said the new face in the family was a distant relative , friend , or surviving member of a bombed out house hold , they referred those names for their safety and they demanded strict security. They also kept away from situations because of their hidden identity.
Separation from family Many children went into hiding alone. The “Children aid Society”(OSE) , Only could smuggle children out of concentration camps. The parents were taller and bigger meaning they were harder to smuggle out of the concentration camp.Children and parents were tortured by the separation , feared for each others safety. The war time separation became permanent for many.Have you ever imagined that you would hope or see that you will see some and you don’t? That is what the people in the holocaust dealt with the thought that they will see their families after the war and it doesn’t happen. They were tormented by helplessness and fear.
Food and Water
Some families brought food and water , but none were prepared to stay hidden for many years. Some families would send one person out with hopes they can find food without going into public areas due to the situation. The lack of water became an issue for the people in Riddle 5 hiding. There was no access to regular water to drink nor bathe in. Imagine if you could only take a shower every other week. Unlike you and I we shower everyday or every other day. Sickness/ Disease
Many hidden children died from diseases. Scurvy is a disease that you get when your diet lacks vitamin C. The symptoms of scurvy consist of pale skin, loss of teeth, sunken eyes. The disease that is transferred by lice or fleas. Typhoid fever is caused by salmonella. Salmonella is caused by bad food or food that has not been packed right. Beriberi is caused by the lack of thiamine (B1). When someone got sick you couldn’t take them to the doctors. A doctor couldn’t come them either. Many people died because they didn’t have a doctor to help them.