King Arthur, a fierce leader, knight, and some say great ruler. The debate on
whether King Arthur exits is still raging among scholars today. King Arthur was a British
warrior who led and won the battle of the Saxons as well as numerous other battles. Many
dispute on whether he was a myth, legend, or historical figure. Between Merlin the
magician and the brave knights who he fought alongside of, but specifically his best friend
Lancelot. As well as his wife Queen Guinevere, his sword Excalibur, the city of Camelot,
and the Round Table. Intriguing questions that lead up to the Legend are what was the time
period in which he lived? What are arguments for against him being real? Why is it
significant , and if Arthur …show more content…
The poem
says, “In Arthur's tyme a table round was whereat sate, as yet a plot of godly ground, sets
forth that rare estate.” Of course, we can not leave out King Arthur's wife Queen Guinevere.
Monmouth portrays Guinevere as Roman lady who was raised by the Duke Cardor of
Cornwall. Later she is known for being in love with Arthur’s best friend and knight Lancelot.
In addition, there is not much evidence that King Arthur was an authentic literature figure in
history. For example, Geoffrey of Monmouth and Welsh monk Nennius was writing about
Arthur over six hundred years after the actual events would of happen. Also, Nennius writes
about Arthur fighting in twelve famous battles. Scholars do not know the exact dates of
when all these battles occur but they do know that all the battles were spread out over
history that logically not one person could possibly be in all those battles. The battles were
at Mouth of River Gleni, the river by the Britons called Douglas, river Bassas, Wood
Celidon, Gurnian Castle, City of Legion, river Trat Treruoit , Mount Breguion, and Hill of
Badon. Furthermore, If King Arthur is a myth then why is the question if he actually …show more content…
early Welsh tale Culhwch and Olwen tells says that Arthur was a leader and semi-
mythological warrior and him and his knights having superpowers. Some other evidence of
whether King Arthur was real or not might be Geoffrey of Ashes detailed historical abstract
of what he believes will better tell the story of King Arthur from Geoffrey of Monmouth's point
of view. A question that not a huge number of people ask is; are their King Arthur type
stories in different cultures such as Asia, Spanish, or African cultures When a person truly
thinks about it, the King Arthur tale is not that original or uncommon. For example, in the
Old Testament in Genesis six, all the people in the world were wicked and sinful except for
Noah and his family they were righteous and sought after God. God told Noah that because
of man’s wickedness in the world He was going to flood the earth by making it rain for forty
days and forty nights. Noah’s job was to build an Ark in the next couple years and tell the
people of the coming flood. Only did his family and all the animals go with Noah on the